Embrace these to Heal Better. #14

Healing follows principles. Here I explain core orientations that will help you go beyond the promises of standard medical care.

Everyone kneels before something. For some they kneel to logic. To others, God. Others genuflect to something different still. Respect the things I outline here and you will enhance your chances of being well, thriving, and healing.

Video content timeline

  • Nothing I say here is new. But I’m making this video because most doctors don’t engage with these foundational orientations. They aren’t trained to, so go easy on them. [0:52]

  • A paradox: setting aside pride because healing is not about you versus the necessity of putting yourself in the center of things and trusting yourself. [2:06]

  • Another paradox: the need to trust yourself versus the likelihood that you will lie to yourself. [3:46]

  • Decision. This word is built from de, meaning off, and the c-i-s part, which means to cut. “To cut off.” [5:49]

  • Responsibility. Vainly reanimating your past. Your past has only the power you grant it. [8:39]

  • Honesty and my imaginary magic wand. Acceptance does not mean permission. Your acceptance of a reality is not your permission for it to continue. [11:28]

  • Safety. Misleading! Flush it. [13:32]


  1. Byron Katie. “Isn’t the past kind? It’s always over.” She says this here at 50 minutes 21 seconds.

  2. “It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.” Pirkie Avot 2:16.

John Fuhrman