5:00 PM17:00

Do You Like Cat Food? The Problem with Medicare and Insurance

join at 4 p.m. Pacific, 5 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Central, and 7 p.m. Eastern.

I bet you think small when it comes to your health. Many people do.

It’s partly because of the system we’re in. The default setting reigns.

If the default lunch special at the diner is a plate of cat food, that doesn’t meet your standard unless you are Donner-party desperate. You want something that nourishes you and tastes good, not just something that prevents you from dying today.

Insurance-based medical care and Medicare can be like cat food. They set a standard that imposes limits on what’s possible for you. They are part of why we play small in health.

A doctor who accepts insurance or Medicare is financially wedded to this standard. That doctor will either do what the institution pays for or will find himself working for free. Which sounds better to the doctor?

A different doctor paid by you and not insurance or the government is freer to assess, advise, and treat according to what you and the doctor think best. Not what a bureaucracy thousands of miles away has predeterminedly decided for you.

The impact is greatest in primary care. I’ll explain one version of this liberated model in which the doctor works for you and is paid to help you heal and thrive, not merely survive for the day. Food vs cat food. The name of this model is direct primary care. To read up on it before this live event, click here.

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5:00 PM17:00

Obesity, Nutrition, and Cholesterol

Join us on the third of November at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central and 8 p.m. Eastern.

I don’t believe anybody has really figured all this out. And I believe there is something to say for an individual’s variation that go against the consensus: in other words, your mileage may vary.

But I can help make some sense of the intersection of obesity, nutrition, and cholesterol. Scientists and clinicians are duking this out and there is intense disagreement. It’s hard to land on something solid. But I’ll share my two cents. And I look forward to hearing your take and your experience.

This live interaction is on Zoom. Here’s your link to join.

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5:00 PM17:00

Making Sense of Cholesterol

Sorry. Please NOTE CHANGE of date.

join us at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern.

The terms “bad cholesterol” and “good cholesterol” belong in the trash. They don’t make sense.

I understand why you might feel confused about cholesterol and what to eat, what pills are beneficial, and what is really going on. I’ll sort this out for you as best I can. (Spoiler: there are still questions remaining. But we’ll take a stab at getting up to date).

Your link to join this live public interaction via Zoom is here.

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5:00 PM17:00

Dog Breeds and Dog Attacks: Human Visits to the Emergency Room, Operating Room, and Morgue

Join Us at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern.

Many of us love our pet dogs. And I like that we love them. But news reports about dog attacks seem to report on some breeds more than others. Is there a correlation? Medical literature has something to say about this. And it might influence your choice about the risk you want to take with some dog breeds.

Click here for your link to join this live public interaction via Zoom.

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5:00 PM17:00

Coffee, Caffeine, and Health

Join us at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern

How do coffee and caffeine impact health?

Coffee is one of the most widely enjoyed beverages in the world. People drink it for different reasons: waking up, athletic performance, staying up, or simply because it tastes good. We’ll talk about the pros and cons of coffee with respect to health.

Your link to join this live Zoom interaction on Thursday, June 9, is here.

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5:00 PM17:00

Choosing a Doctor, Talking to Doctors, and How Doctors Think

Join us at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern

What can you do if your doctor blows you off? And why are they sometimes like that?

What if you disagree with your doctor?

What are some questions to ask when choosing a doctor?

What’s the difference among nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical doctors? Do you get the same care?

Whoever pays the doctor is the doctor’s real boss. So, what is Direct Primary Care? What are the pros and cons?

And comments on the book How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman.

We get together on live video chat on Thursday, May 19. Here’s your Zoom link to join.

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5:00 PM17:00

Finding Healing When You're Stuck

We start at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern.

You might have sought help for your health situation, but maybe the help isn’t helping.

Chin up. I’ll offer some ideas for opening doors. My take is one of possibility and hope and realism. Join us, and please share your wisdom about healing. I am learning, too.

I’ll respond to some questions:

  • Can all things be cured?

  • Can your specific situation be cured?

  • How are cure and healing different?

  • What do you stand to lose if you get better?

And I’ll mention a couple resources for you to get ideas flowing and doors opening.

Join us on Zoom on the 28th with this link.

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12:00 PM12:00

Rest and Disconnect

SORRY! LAST-MINUTE SCHEDULE CHANGE. Join us at NOON Pacific, 1 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Central, and 3 p.m. Eastern

Well, people: rest! And: well people rest!

This is about more than sleep. It’s about being optimally well 24/7. That happens when you take time to disconnect. And sometimes when you do nothing on purpose.

Surprisingly, people with huge career success actually schedule rest into their days and weeks. You’d think they were ultra busy (maybe like you). But no.

Resting is about more than taking a load off. I’ll talk about how rest reminds you that you are important to you.

Please note schedule change! My apologies for short notice. Noon Pacific, 1 Mountain, 2 Central, 3 Eastern. This Zoom link here will get you to our live conversation on April 23.

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5:00 PM17:00

Safety is Overrated & Healing Requires Risk

Join us at 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, and 8 p.m. Eastern

Prioritizing safety does not lead to healing. Of course, carelessness doesn’t help, either. But those who seek a “safe space” impede their own healing.

I’ll explain a paradox: embarking on a healing journey requires feeling safe and feeling unsafe at the same time. And I’ll offer a better mindset.

And of course we’ll talk about courage, a uniquely important virtue to those who want to heal.

Your Zoom link to join is here.

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12:00 PM12:00

Your Mindset around Motion: Move Your Body

We start at noon Pacific, 1 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Central, and 3 p.m. Eastern.

Using your body is one of the best things you can do for health.

When people think of moving their bodies for fitness, often that makes them think of the gym. Okay, but there’s more to it than that. We’ll talk about relevant things like reverence, habits, and tips to start and stick with what works.

Join us live via Zoom here.

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10:00 AM10:00

Only You Empower You. This is Good News and Bad News

Join us at 10 a.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Mountain, noon Central, and 1 p.m. Eastern.

Our drug of choice is victimhood.

Victimhood consciousness limits healing if it doesn’t halt healing altogether.

Healing I have witnessed arises from the individual. Sure, outside help is there. But the energy center that primes the person for healing resides inside.

This session has the potential to offend you. The process of healing often is experienced as an internal bloodbath. It can be brutal. Don’t mistake comfort for healing.

In this live interaction, we’ll hit on some of the following points:

  • Forgiveness, victimhood consciousness, and healing

  • You kneel to something. You bow down to it. What do you kneel to?

  • It seems like external things empower you. Nope. You’ll love and hate this.

  • The word “should” is not your healing partner.

  • “I am enough” needs caution. Yes, it’s true. But these words can be twisted to stifle healing.

  • Miracles are an interesting exception to the rules. Pray for one. Then get back to the worldly.

Here’s your link.

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12:00 PM12:00

Your Opinion of Yourself & What and How You Eat

Join us at noon Pacific, 1 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Central, and 3 p.m. Eastern.

How do you know your highest priority? You give whatever it is everything it needs.

Your food patterns are malleable. You can birth new habits about food and nourishment. This is done most powerfully through changing your idea of who you are, such as “I am a healthy eater. What would a healthy eater do now?”

We’ll talk about the following in this live interaction:

  • The eating experience you create reflects your attitude toward yourself

  • The impact of putting quality time and energy into cooking

  • Changing your environment to influence your habits

  • Your mind is a type of environment you inhabit

  • Book: Atomic Habits by James Clear

Here's your link to join.

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10:00 AM10:00

For God's Sake, Just Tell Me What to Eat (Spoiler: It Doesn't Work That Way)

Join me at 10 a.m. Pacific, 11 a.m. Mountain, noon Central, and 1 p.m. Eastern.

I remember something from residency: “When there is more than one treatment and it’s hard to choose, that means they’re both bad.” If one treatment was always better than all the others, there would be just one treatment.

If humans were only machines, then a single food program would be equally good for everybody. Vegan, keto, Mediterranean, whatever. One diet goes into the machine, and one result reliably comes out. But that’s not what we observe in life. One diet, different people, different results.

You are part machine, part spirit, part mystery. I believe in tinkering a bit to find what’s optimal for one person. Especially when that person is sick.

This live interaction will connect food to the following:

  • Don't outsource wisdom. You’re good at knowing the why.

  • Do outsource information. You might need help with the how.

  • Listen to your own feedback.

  • Prepare for trail and error. It might take time to figure out.

Here’s your Zoom link.

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