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Do You Like Cat Food? The Problem with Medicare and Insurance

join at 4 p.m. Pacific, 5 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Central, and 7 p.m. Eastern.

I bet you think small when it comes to your health. Many people do.

It’s partly because of the system we’re in. The default setting reigns.

If the default lunch special at the diner is a plate of cat food, that doesn’t meet your standard unless you are Donner-party desperate. You want something that nourishes you and tastes good, not just something that prevents you from dying today.

Insurance-based medical care and Medicare can be like cat food. They set a standard that imposes limits on what’s possible for you. They are part of why we play small in health.

A doctor who accepts insurance or Medicare is financially wedded to this standard. That doctor will either do what the institution pays for or will find himself working for free. Which sounds better to the doctor?

A different doctor paid by you and not insurance or the government is freer to assess, advise, and treat according to what you and the doctor think best. Not what a bureaucracy thousands of miles away has predeterminedly decided for you.

The impact is greatest in primary care. I’ll explain one version of this liberated model in which the doctor works for you and is paid to help you heal and thrive, not merely survive for the day. Food vs cat food. The name of this model is direct primary care. To read up on it before this live event, click here.

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Earlier Event: December 1
Embrace These to Heal Better