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Rest and Disconnect

SORRY! LAST-MINUTE SCHEDULE CHANGE. Join us at NOON Pacific, 1 p.m. Mountain, 2 p.m. Central, and 3 p.m. Eastern

Well, people: rest! And: well people rest!

This is about more than sleep. It’s about being optimally well 24/7. That happens when you take time to disconnect. And sometimes when you do nothing on purpose.

Surprisingly, people with huge career success actually schedule rest into their days and weeks. You’d think they were ultra busy (maybe like you). But no.

Resting is about more than taking a load off. I’ll talk about how rest reminds you that you are important to you.

Please note schedule change! My apologies for short notice. Noon Pacific, 1 Mountain, 2 Central, 3 Eastern. This Zoom link here will get you to our live conversation on April 23.