Move Your Body. #4

People who exercise have better sex. Hmm…

Your weight is merely how hard planet Earth pulls on you. Hmm…

Your body is the most exquisite tool you’ll ever control. Hmm…

Physical activity, or moving your body, or exercise, or whatever you want to call it: I bet the benefits are better than what you already know. And I know you already know it’s good for you.

In this video, I talk about moving your body and the what, how, and why of it.

You might have trouble starting and sticking to a plan. I have an idea about that. Make getting started absurd. Make it absurd on purpose. The ridiculousness short-circuits your psyche and gets you on track to cultivate a habit. I explain in the video how to do this. You’re more likely to succeed.

The word exercise means punish to some people. Instead, think physical activity or moving your body. I suggest implementing systems rather than goals (credit to Scott Adams with resources below).

Thinking about losing weight? Remember, your weight is how hard planet Earth pulls on you. That doesn’t have much to do with wellness and health and vitality. What if you didn’t think about your weight and lost weight anyway? I have a big-picture idea about that.

Your body’s capabilities put to shame instruments made by humans. Your body follows your commands to stand, sit, walk, talk, blink, hug, kiss, dance the chicken dance, everything. Plus it even heals itself. And it’s a gift you got for free. Your body is awesome in the true sense of the word. Be in awe of it. Treat it lovingly. When you do, you are loving yourself. (Plus the sex gets better.)

Video Content Timeline

  • When I wanted to impress girls in high school [0:00]

  • My exercise habit [0:50]

  • The word exercise sometimes means punishment to people [1:52]

  • A different mindset of physical activity every day or moving every day [2:35]

  • Use a system instead of a goal (book from Scott Adams, see below) [3:56]

  • Exercise improves people’s sex lives, and other benefits [6:45]

  • Two signs telling you your exercise is benefitting you [7:45]

  • Who you spend time with matters when it comes to exercise [10:51]

  • Try this if you can’t get started with an exercise program: be absurd on purpose [14:50]

  • Try this if you don’t have the time or the energy to exercise [18:34]

  • Suggestions if you sit a lot all day (including a desk job: Intermittent breaks and a standing desk [20:36]

  • A word about your weight [22:58]

  • A question to guide you: What would a healthy person do? [25:33]

  • A voicemail greeting about “you are one of the changes” [26:00]


  1. Arthur Boorman’s transformation will blow you away and maybe make you cry. Joe Rogan did. Just a five-minute video.

  2. Scott Adams’ website, author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

John Fuhrman